So, I finally planned to discover places that I believe do not get as much attention as they should. Places like Cambodia and Vietnam come to mind. Going to these nations and exploring these cities made me astonished like few other things could. Why? Because I truly did not realize how great they were until I saw them with my very own eyes. It made me realize that there is a lot of unexplored beauty waiting to be discovered in this world, and until someone goes there and spreads the word after coming back, no one will be able to find out about them. Suffice to say, I took it upon myself to go to relatively untraveled locations and tell people about how great they were.
The reason I’m continuously saying that these places are great is that I have seen some images of these places on the internet. They were really pleasing to the eye. However, I could have been really long once I got there. But, seeing these places myself, I can truly guarantee everybody reading this that they are as good as they look in the pictures.
Stepping Foot in Phu Quoc, Vietnam
In this piece, I will talk to you about a city in Vietnam that goes by the name of Phu Quoc. As I mentioned earlier, Vietnam has always been a go-to destination for me whenever I am looking to forget all the woes in my life. It is beautiful, safe, and has a lot to offer. As a matter of fact, every time I go there, I learn something new about it, which makes me want to go there even more. This time, I decided to go to a Vietnamese city that I had not been to, and it so happened to be Phu Quoc.I booked my ticket, packed my banks, and set on my journey. I went to Phu Quoc by plane and my ride was quite amazing. The airline that I chose was quite hospitable and accommodated most of my requests. It took 2 days for me to reach my destination. Once my plane landed I set foot in the city of Phu Quoc for the very first time. It was a breath of fresh air from the other cities that I had been to. Not saying that they were bad or anything, but this one had something quite unique about it.
First Impressions
The first thing that I realized about this place was that it was less of a city and more of an Island. It is situated very close to the coastline of Cambodia. It is one of the largest islands in the country of Vietnam so far. The population of Phu Quoc happens to be around 103,000 people. It continues to rise as more and more people start relocating here. In the beginning, this island used to be a simple village where natives used to come for fishing. The eighteenth century, in particular, was quite fruitful for the fisherman who came to Phu Quoc. Slowly and steadily however, things started to change and eventually, Phu Quoc became the island that we all know and love today.Breathtaking Sunset Views
Are you a fan of watching the sunrise? If you are, there are few locations as good as this one to let you view the sun rising in all of its shining glory. The view is truly breathtaking. Sit around anywhere you want to and wait for the sun to rise from the horizons. It looks like a spectacle that you would read about in a fairytale. You will truly be mesmerized by it and want to stay there until the sun goes down and comes back up again the next day. You will find tons of residents and travelers band together at different places, waiting to see the sunrise. Some people even make a picnic out of it and come along with food drink, and sometimes even tents to sleep inside in.I enjoyed the sunset and sunrise multiple times during my trip and each time I saw the sun going down, the feeling was even better than what I experienced in the previous time.